Pintura e Acabamento

Serviços de pintura, serralheria e acabamentos de construção com qualidade e profissionalismo garantidos.

Serviços de Pintura

Oferecemos serviços de pintura e acabamentos para edifícios com qualidade e profissionalismo garantidos.

Serralheria e Estruturas

Fabricação de artigos de serralheria, exceto esquadrias, para atender suas necessidades específicas.

A construction worker wearing a hard hat and safety vest is applying a finish to a freshly laid concrete wall. The area is surrounded by muddy ground, and wooden and metal frameworks are visible. The background includes a brick wall and wooden boards.
A construction worker wearing a hard hat and safety vest is applying a finish to a freshly laid concrete wall. The area is surrounded by muddy ground, and wooden and metal frameworks are visible. The background includes a brick wall and wooden boards.
Acabamentos em Gesso

Realizamos obras de acabamento em gesso e estuque, proporcionando elegância e sofisticação aos ambientes.

A black and white photograph of a high-rise building under construction, featuring a complex network of scaffolding covering the structure. The building appears to have multiple floors, with unfinished sections and exposed concrete beams. The sky above is clear and expansive.
A black and white photograph of a high-rise building under construction, featuring a complex network of scaffolding covering the structure. The building appears to have multiple floors, with unfinished sections and exposed concrete beams. The sky above is clear and expansive.

A Marivan Lima transformou meu espaço com pinturas impecáveis e acabamentos de gesso. Profissionais dedicados e resultados incríveis! Recomendo a todos que buscam qualidade.

Carlos Silva

A building under construction is surrounded by scaffolding. The structure appears to have unfinished metal frames and partially installed windows. The blue sky serves as the backdrop.
A building under construction is surrounded by scaffolding. The structure appears to have unfinished metal frames and partially installed windows. The blue sky serves as the backdrop.
